KukkiHausu is an online bakery studio seated in a quiet spot of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Founded in October 2022, we offering ranges of
hand-crafted butter cookies | fruit tart | healthy gluten-free cake
all beat and baked without compromising effort, time and quality.
Memories fade, photograph does too.
We believe a “taste of memories" would not.
Expressing an ubiquitous yet invisible “love” in our bakery sweets is the philosophy of what we do. It is somewhat deep in our hearts that we would like to deliver our "taste of memories” with all customers.
“Kukki-" means cookies whereas “-Hausu” means studio or house in japanese pronunciation. Kukkihausu, with "love" at the root is created by a couple whom started a long distance relationship between M’sia-Japan.
Love, dessert, Japan
It always reminds me of you
Our giggles on street
We see the lights and glitters
echo in my memory
I take them every where I go
Despite all the bitterness, we wish to turn our “taste of memories" into bakery sweets which embraced two people's feelings and dialogs.
So, we think love is "respect"
the ultimate gesture of love.
Family, life partners, friends, loved pets, everyday meals, beautiful scenery or any meaningful objects which make us as "us"
that is love
love is deep
extremely universal
we can feel it
In KukkiHausu, we express these invisible things in every bakery sweets we bake in a loving and kind manner.
We would like our bakery sweets to merry our customer’s every precious moment just like how these bakery sweets merry ours. We're passionate and committed to bring the best bakes to our customers, from the scratch to bakery sweets, because everyone deserves great bakery sweets everyday.
/ To us ‘kukkihausu’ isn't just a bakery shop
It is a story of our youthful passions /

KUKKIHAUSUはマレーシア・クアラルンプールの閑静な場所にあるオンラインベーカリースタジオです。 2022年に設立され、手間、時間、品質に妥協することなく、すべて手作りのバタークッキーとベーカリースイーツを提供しています.