Crafting Every Joyful Moments; One Fine Cake at a Time

KukkiHausu is an online bakery studio seated in a quiet spot of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Founded in October 2022, we offering ranges of hand-crafted butter cookies, fruit tart & healthy gluten-free cake. All beat and bake without compromising effort, time and quality. Expressing a ubiquitous yet invisible [love] in our bakery sweets is the philosophy of what we promise to you. It's somewhat deep in our hearts that we’d like to deliver an exquisite cakes that bring joy to your palate.
  • In pursuit of authenticity and deliciousness. 本物と美味しさを追求

    We infuse our ingredients: fresh cherry, black raisin, golden raisin and rose buds in-house; using the most authentic liquor and aged them to our favor intensity with the utmost attention and care. As it is the main ingredient, KukkiHausu use the acclaimed liquors and handle the entire process from washing ingredients to completion within our kitchen, strictly follow our discipline in food safety.
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  • Fresh ingredients to avoid additives. 添加物を避けるための新鮮な食材

    Let’s take a look to our italianna buttercream - they are light, airy and glossy; all thanks to fresh egg white that not only help to incorporate more air into the cream but also stabilize them. Uses of fresh ingredients is not only for the great taste but also for our bakery sweets made without unnecessary additives like stabilizer, thickener and emulsifier.
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  • No substitute and never compromise. 代替品なし、妥協なし

    High quality chocolate means we never substitute chocolate with 'compound chocolate’ in our bakery sweets. Pure butter means we never replace butter with ‘margarine' nor 'hydrogenated butter' in our products. We make bakery sweets not only for customers; for ourselves too.
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私たちの周りの人々、対話、そして美しさに触発されています。 自分たちで食べたいベーカリースイーツを作っています。 最高品質の食材と寛大な手でそれらを焼くことを約束します